Install Windows with USB drive !


Today, I will share with you one of my oldest experience. Now most of you out here might not have had this kind of problem but let's consider that one day, your pc has gotten a flu from many internet viruses and you need that computer pronto for work. The time limit is 30 mns! And when you insert the DVD/CD of Windows, nothing appears! Okay, panic is the first thing to do as you may not see no other ways of re-installing or repair your OS without a CD ROM drive. So how do we proceed to install Windows without a CD drive ?

*Hacker method

Okay, before I show you how to install Windows from a USB drive, allow me to show you the "other" way. This requires a little bit of knowdledge in computer hardwares, well you can always try it but it's not guaranteed to work. The other way of installing Windows is by removing your computer Hard Drive, take your time, if you have a laptop, to find the location under your laptop the proper location of the Hard Drive. When you do find it, take out the cover with a screwdriver alongside with the Hard Drive. Okay, now you'll have to find another laptop, (try using similar models if available) which has a fully functional CD-ROM and then you replace its Hard Drive with yours, then you turn on the laptop or desktop, insert you Windows installation CD, press F12 for boot menu and select CD-ROM Drive....after installation is complete, put your Hard Drive back to your PC and you're done !

*Laying back with a good coffee method aka Lazy Method :)

This is the easiest method there is! Laying back, sip on a good coffee and let a software do the work for you. To install windows with a USB drive, you can always use the work of a booting software, so go download Win to Flash. No installation is needed ! Ahhh, let's sip some more of that coffee !!!
After running the setup this will appear:

Choose your task from the Task Bar:
After choosing task, press next :
Select the source path of the windows installation disk or copy and then the path of your USB flash drive. For example, if your Windows CD is in D: then choose it as path then choose your USB drive letter (ex: E: I: J: K:)

Now the exact bootable copy will be made in the USB Flash drive.
You can now install Windows XP from Flash drive. It is pretty easy method to install Windows XP from your Usb flash drive. If any problem arises then contact me. Make sure to comment or share it with your friends. Any questions and suggestions are welcome !

 DOWNLOAD WintoFlash.

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